• In life, nothing can satisfy and please your heart as much as helping others. Not only helping the needy will make a difference in their life, it would have a lot of benefits for you as well.

    On one hand, there are people who live their life lavishly. They are not only enjoying the joy of essentials but also have what they want and desire; a luxurious living providing them an extra comfort. On the other hand, there are people who cannot even afford the basic requirements of living. They do not have shelter to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. They have inadequate nutrition, higher risk of diseases and lack access to healthcare and basic essentials for living.

    One cannot make such people opulent but can at least help them achieve the essentials of life and lead a prosperous life. Helping and Caring the needy people is a noble deed. The more you give to the needy people, the more you strengthen their dependency. If you give them the chance or opportunity, you'll see an effective and long-lasting improvement in their lives, inter-dependency and their dignity is maintained.

    But instead of considering them just as a Project to help, view them as people to love and respect, been united in KINDNESSAND DIVERSITY Let us not make them feel helpless. But let's Win their Hearts by helping them regaining their self-confidence, self-esteem and self-respect.

  • Win the Heart !
Anil K Agarwal

Council Chairman

PMJF Lion Mukesh Kumar Patel

Vice Council Chairman

Lion Nisheeth A Kinariwala

Immediate Past Council Chairman

Rasiklal A Patel

Council Secretary

Shrikrishna Garg

Council Treasurer